"Dionaea ' Werewolf ' G.Hoogenstrijd produces upright leaves that are up to 6 cm long, bearing traps up to 3 cm in length. Most specimens are difficult to maintain at a large size. The traps are robust and carry broad marginal lashes that terminate in ragged, sharp points that are angled in different directions. The traps have no trigger hairs and consequently cannot close. The leaf bases are narrow and elongated.
All parts of the foliage are yellowish green, except for the inner surfaces of the trap lobes that suffuse reddish. Dionaea ' Werewolf ' G.Hoogenstrijd can be propagated through division of offshoots and rhizome cuttings."
Bailey & McPherson, Dionaea:330 (2013)
From : https://cpnames.carnivorousplants.org/Cultivars.php?name=Dionaea